Hiking in winter snow along the rim of the Kuskulana Gorge, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska. Click the image to see a larger version and just how styling I look in my fat eVent jacket.
Hey Folks,
I thought this might be a good photo to accompany a post plugging my friend Ron Niebrugge’s new site Outdoor Gear Deals. Why? Because I’m looking so p-h-y-n-e in my flash orange jacket that you can clearly see the need for staying on top of fashion, even in the wilderness – ESPECIALLY in the wilderness. A while back some of the outdoor online retailers started running a “Deal of the Day” on their websites to draw traffic – offering some pretty good prices and great deals from time to time. As that marketing strategy has burgeoned, Ron did the world a favor and compiled a webpage that shows a bunch of these “Deals of the Day”. I’m sure he’ll add more sites to the page as time permits.
It’d be great, for example, if he added Moosejaw.com or evogear.com or Campsaver.com or Rockcreek.com. I expect one day down the road the url for the webpage will be Ron-mart.com. 🙂
By the way, not all the gear I’m wearing in that photo is what I’d call flash – the backpack, an old Gregory daypack, I’ve had for nearly 15 years now, and I think I bought it for $45.00 at a year end sale. Not too shabby for a pre-internet Deal of the Day.
So bookmark Ron’s webpage above, and save yourself money while you buy cool gear – go ahead and get your shoppin’ on. And remember, orange works well in the winter.
ohhh…stuff like that is dangerous for people like me, a certified Gear Nerd! Thanks for the link, I love a good outdoor deal. Patagonia Outlets are basically like heaven for me 🙂 Love St Elias NP too!
Hey thanks Carl!
Thanks for the suggestions – I’ll have to see if those places do daily deals, if so, I’ll add them to the page.
If we had the money, I would have been buying the Necky sea kayaks that popped up on there two days ago at almost 50% off – they were just over $1,300, that is what the kayak companies sell their old used ones for at the end of the season. Just what I need, another toy.
Hey, you do look styling!
Hey Jill,
Glad to hear you love St. Elias NP. Me too!!! I think this outdoor deals site could be pretty good as it builds up. Funnily enough I just saw the link the other day on Ron’s site and was browsing it, and then he posted a thread announcing it a few days later.
Hey Ron,
Check your email for a few more links. That’s a great deal on the Necky’s – they used to make whitewater boats, but not no mo’. I can’t believe you live, what, 50 yards from the sea, and don’t have a sea kayak – the Seward City Council should charge you more taxes. 🙂
PS – I ALWAYS look stylin’!
I know – it really is a crime that we don’t have kayaks!