Mt. Bona and the Russell Glacier

Mt Bona and Mt Churchill, the Russell Glacier, alpenglow, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska.

Hey Folks,

I just got back from a totally awesome trip to Skolai Pass – some great weather, wonderful folks for company, and we all had a killer time in the coolest place in the world – Skolai Pass! This image was taken the first evening, after we backpacked up to Chitistone Pass, walked south to the Russell Glacier, and watched the alpenglow rock Mt Bona (on the right) and Mt Churchill (center).

The rest of the trip I hiked around the area and had a blast. I didn’t hardly shoot anything, of course, because my *#^$$*#^# camera ceased working the following morning. One of the people on the trip was kind enough to let me use his backup camera, which was WAY cool. Thanks Doug!

Always have a backup camera body with you.



5 thoughts on “Mt. Bona and the Russell Glacier

  1. Ron Niebrugge

    Hey Carl,

    Looks like you decided to stick with Skolai Pass, and it looks like you made a great choice! Glad to hear you had great weather, but big bummer on the camera. Will you be able to repair it before you look for bears?

    Sweet image,


  2. Pingback: Caribou, Skolai Pass and the University Range, Wrangell – St. Elias National Park - Stock Photos - Skolai Images

  3. Carl D Post author

    Hey Doug,

    Thanks man. Yeah, I spose we did learn, eh? Just what I need – more camera equipment to haul around in my backpack. The lesson I learned is it’s easier for me to NOT bring a backup, as long as someone else has one. 🙂

    Hey Dave,

    That little camera looks pretty sweet, thanks – but ouch, what a price.



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