Evening light on the Canadian Rockies. Please click on the image above to view a larger version of this photo.
Hey Folks,
Some great news; photographer extraordinaire, and a man I am proud to call my friend, Darwin Wiggett has put together his excellent series, “How To Photograph the Canadian Rockies” again, this time with even more detail and information than its predecessor. In 2005 Darwin released, through Altitude Publishing company, this great book, as a small, portable handbook,a a guide to photographing the Canadian Rockies. I was lucky enough to grab a copy before the company went bust and the book’s publishing ended, leaving countless nature photographers frustrated, as they weren’t able to snare a copy. The book is absolutely fantastic; I unhesitatingly call it a “must have” for anyone heading toward the Canadian Rockies. Which is a bummer; a ‘must have‘ is now a ‘can no longer get’.
Until now. The great news; Darwin’s just set up a new website, How To Photograph the Canadian Rockies, and released all the great info in his book as ebooks. This time the ebooks go into more detail, and cover the Canadian Rockies region by region. Starting with the Icefield Parkway area, the first 2 ebooks are currently available, and soon to come are ebooks on photographing Banff and Jasper National Parks, probably the crown jewels of the Canadian Rockies.
We’ll do a quick test here. I’ll invite Darwin to check this blog out and tell me where the scene in this photograph (above) is, and where I shot it from (Darwin – if you know it, don’t post the answer just yet). The first non-Darwin who can do so, I’ll buy you any one of Darwin’s ebooks (your choice which).
Darwin’s expertise in the area, for photography, is unparalleled; he’s lives in the area, and has been shooting those mountains since before they were mountains. 🙂 Well, maybe not THAT long, but long enough. I can’t tell you how helpful his original guide has been for me. I’ve been to the Canadian Rockies a number of times, and spent more than a few weeks stalking wildlife there, waiting for sunrises, rain to stop, clouds to break, etc, and I still wouldn’t take a trip there without his photography guide with me.
Darwin offers great advice on not only places to shoot, but when and how he likes to shoot them. Filters, lenses, time of day, likely wildlife sightings, etc, etc; a comprehensive guide. With the new website, he adds a lot more. I’ve already added the site to my Google Reader (you DO use a Google reader, don’t you? .. NB .. well, you don’t any more .. google did away with it. Shame.); a wealth of info and awesome photography is headed my way.
For anyone thinking about a trip to the Canadian Rockies, get yourself these ebooks, and check out his site. You’ll be doing yourself and your photography a huge favor.
PS – I was gunna call the offer above my very own “Darwin Award”, but thought better of doing so.
Hey Carl, what a living wonder you are. I’ve never been able to determine why certain fb friend’s posts show up on my wall and others don’t (do you know?) or better yet how to get certain friends wall posts to show up or not, etc…, but I’m so happy that yours do almost daily. Google Reader, seems like a very good idea. I’ll have to check this out. Oh yeah, and the Canadian Rockies photo guide (which I’ll happily adapt to the High Sierra, also seems like a worthwhile distraction. Now if you could only post the Aurora Borealis to my night sky we’d really be in business. Thanks, Les
Hey Les
Uh uh, mister, YOU are the living wonder.
Can’t help you on the f-b stuff. f-b is just weird. You might check the bottom of the page on your ‘Home’ page and click “Edit Options”. It’ll pop up a window and one of the deals there says ‘Show posts from’. Make sure you have ‘all friends’ as the option, not ‘friends you interact most with’ .. unless that’s preferred (that’s what I have) checked.
I’ll see what I can do about the Aurora. I’ll post another Aurora photo soon. Promise.
Hey Folks – This offer is still open, and serious. Anyone can identify, within a reasonable ballpark, where this scene is in the Canadian Rockies, and I’ll buy the Darwin’s eBook of your choosing.