Winter, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska

A snow covered glacial moraine, black and white photo, in early morning light, mid winter, on the Kennecott Glacier, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska.

Hey Folks

So one morning when I couldn’t catch the apparently fugacious Mt Blackburn – shrouded by cloud, it’s ironic that such a magnificent and colossal mountain might be so clandestine. Yet so often, that’s exactly what these mountains are; shy, reclusive, and hard to photograph. So I turned my lens toward the ground, shot a few abstracts like this one, of a snow-covered glacial moraine. I really liked the curves and the play of Shadows & Light (a “must have” album, Shadows and Light, by Joni Mitchell, the band is one of the greatest assortment of musicians ever to tour together!). I knew when I took the photo I’d convert it to black and white, as there was little color in the original, though the shadows do take on a nice blue hue.

Moraines definitely look WAY prettier in the winter, covered with fresh snow.



4 thoughts on “Winter, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, Alaska

  1. Beth Lunsford

    That’s a beautiful picture. I want to lay on that blanket of snow & make a snow angel. But I wouldn’t want to disturb the beauty of it! It kind of looks like the moon, without all the holes. And cheese, of course. Hi Carl, great to hear from you. Don’t forget the trivia when you have time. Hope you are doing well.

  2. Carl Donohue

    Hey Beth

    Thanks for popping in! it was pretty cold out that morning – a snow angel mightn’t have been as good an idea as, say, a fire. 🙂 And I see what you’re saying about the moon, I hadn’t seen that before, but it does look like that.

    I’ll try to post another trivia before too long.



  3. Mark

    I love ambiguous shots like this that can represent a so many different views. The lack of scale is what makes it so interesting.

  4. Carl Donohue

    Hey Mark,

    Thanks – that’s true, it does make it hard to see the scale .. which is funny, because having been there and taken the photo, I don’t see it that way – I automatically see it as I saw it when composing the picture .. it’s interesting how differently the photographer will see an image and how differently the audience will. I guess the photographer is more of a witness, because what they (in this case, I) saw is a reality, and the the audience are viewers, as they’re seeing an abstraction – a not insubstantial difference of position.



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