Willow, part 2

Willow bush, turning orange, fall colors, Wrangel - St. Elias National Park, Alaska.

Hey Folks,

Here’s another willow I wanted to shoot from the first time I saw it. The color was really unique on this one – there were 2 other willow maybe 30 yards from it, both the typical yellow. This one had this cool orangey color to it that I really liked. Not only were they same species, but they are the same plant – their roots connect under the sand. Willow are pretty hardy, and the only plant here in the sand dunes that could get higher than about 1′ tall – and some of these willows were 20′ tall. That says a bit, IMO, if they can grow 20 times higher than any other plant in the same region.

If you don’t think they’re a hardy plant – I can tell you from experience that hiking through a thicket willows will change your mind on that one pretty quickly. šŸ™‚



2 thoughts on “Willow, part 2

  1. Lars Andreas Dybvik

    Hi! This is Andreas from Norway. In the summer 2002 I was in Alaska with my friend PĆ„l. We were in Brooks photographing bears, and there we met you. We were often chating over lunch/diner in the food shelter at the camping site. Yesterday I got the idea to google som names noted in my diary from that trip, and so I found your webpages :). Realy nice! I have often thought about going back to Alaska again, but never realy come to do it. We have a lot of beautifull nature here in Norway as well šŸ™‚

    Wonderfull colores in the hillside behind this tree.

    BR Andreas

  2. Carl Donohue

    Hello Andreas,

    Thanks for looking me up, and stopping by to make a post. Its’ great to hear from folks I meet in the field, for sure. I can understand your desire to come back to Alaska, but also the interest in staying in Norway. I’d love to spend time over there and see the country – it’s a beautiful place from the images I’ve seen.

    Thanks and stay in touch. Definitely let me know if you’re heading back to AK anytime.



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