Bull Moose Photo, Denali National Park, Alaska.

Bull Moose, Denali National Park, Alaska.

Hey Folks

Here’s another photo from my little run up to Denali. We’d been tooling around on the shuttle bus system during the day, trying to find some wolves, and had no luck. Later in the day we were heading back to our backcountry unit, and my buddy Doug headed for camp – he was done in after a long day and wanted a nap. I wanted a bull moose. So I pointed Doug towards camp and then proceeded to walk all over the backend of Denali looking for a moose. Finally, I found this fellow. He wasn’t the largest bull moose in the park, he’s not fully grown yet, but he was reasonably obliging for my photos – more importantly, I didn’t find any others. Continue reading

Skolai Pass Tribute

Mt. Bona, Russell Glacier, Wrangell St. Elias National Park, Alaska.

Hey Folks

Thanks so much for all the comments and emails I have had from readers so far, it’s great. I’ll try to keep up and be better about posting images, new and old and writing something about what’s going on. It tickles me that people out there are interested, thank you.

On another note, I would like to write this post in salute to Mr Paul Schoch, from Wisonsin, whom I never met, but wished I had. Mr Schoch went missing in Skolai Pass this fall, in mid-September. I won’t offer details here, other than point to a newspaper story for those of you who aren’t familiar with what happened. Mr Schoch’s tent was spotted, by my father, as we flew over the area looking for him, after Paul hadn’t shown back up at the landing strip for his scheduled pickup.

Newspaper Story

It saddens me that someone came to an unfortunate end in a place I love so much, and to which I return, often more than once, every year. Skolai Pass is possibly my favorite place anywhere. I was so excited to take my parents to this place, and show them a place I hold so deep. At the same time the reality of the wilderness was made perhaps no more evident than by Mr Schoch’s disappearance. It IS wild, rugged and remote country, and from what I’ve read, Paul seems to have valued those kinds of places as I do. In some weird and almost unspeakable way, I think I’d rather come to rest in a place like that than somewhere else.

It serves little purpose for me to speculate as to what may or may not have happened. What’s important is that his family and friends find some solace knowing their husband, father, or friend, died in a beautifully wild and truly awesome place. I wish them all my most sincere condolences and most heartfelt sympathies. Their grief, I’m sure, is in some way an important part of his death (as grief always is) and also a reflection of his life. To his memory, and to all those who knew and loved him, my deepest regards.



PS – This photo is of the Russell Glacier, and Mt. Bona, a 16 421 foot high peak, on the south side of Skolai Pass, Wrangell St. Elias National Park, Alaska.

A farewell to the Lower 48 and my folks.

mum and her friend in banff

Hey Folks

Well, this shall be my last post from the Lower 48 states, for a while at least. Tomorrow on the eve I fly to Alaska, and settle down for some winter fun. It’s been a short trip, and tons of fun with my parents – hopefully it won’t take 3 more years for me to get the chance to see them again.

I’m looking forward to getting back to Alaska, and if the weather is at all reasonable, trying to get some more images from Wrangell St. Elias. I also have a boatload of files to process, website updates to do, emails to return, and more computer stuff as well – which I’m not so eager to undertake, but, it seems, I have to. I have a ton of writing I want to, and also have had a few books recommended to me that I am keen to read. On top of that the moose rut is just starting to get underway, and that will be fun to photograph, so it seems I’ll be kept busy. I guess that’s good.

For now, I’ll just post this picture of my mum and her new friend from Banff National Park, waving us all goodbye.


Banff National Park Photos.

Lower Falls, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

Lower Falls, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

Hey Folks

Just a quick note here to say G’day and keep moving. This photo was taken a few days ago, at the Lower Falls on Yellowstone River, near Canyon Village, in Yellowstone National Park. I wanted to shoot from the famous Artist’s Point viewpoint, but that location is closed at the moment for renovation. Apparently it is expected to take 2 years to complete. Ya gotta love the National Park Service’ committment to renovation and building things. They never seem to have money for rangers and programs, etc, but always have cash available to build new things. Nothing like construction in a National Park.

So, anyway, I shoulda headed to the North Rim viewpoint, but this one wasn’t too bad. The Yellowstone Canyon is awesome – probably one of my favorite features within the park. A little dusting of snow certainly added to its grandeur whilst we visited.

Right now I’m at a campground in Deer Lodge, Montana, and my feet are cold, so I’m out for the day.



Happy Birthday, Mum!!

Bull Moose, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.

Hey Folks

Today’s my mum’s birthday! Happy birthday, mum! Mum refers to October as her ‘birthday month’, meaning she celebrates her birthday for the entire month of October.. which translates to ‘whatever mum wants goes for the month of October’. Pretty nifty deal, for her, I spose. Anyway, it’s all OK, because she’s mum. Happy birthday, mum – Love you! Continue reading

Spruce forest in Snow, Lewis and Clark National Forest, Montana

Spruce forest in Snow, Lewis and Clark National Forest, Montana

Hey Folks,

Yellowstone at last. It took us a while, and some expert driving (from yours truly, no less!), but I finally managed to land my parents in Yellowstone.Yellowstone National Park is the oldest national park in the US, and my parents are quite possibly the oldest parents in the US; my dad is 387 and mum turns 373 in a few days. They do pretty well for their age, but they’re definitely Continue reading

Fall color, Two Medicine, Glacier National Park, Montana.

Fall color, Two Medicine, Glacier National Park, Montana.

Hey Folks

Well, here we are in Montana, the Big Sky. Right now it’s a big cloudy snowy wet sky. But it’s awesome. My parents (whom I now refer to as “you pair”) had a good, albeit brief, time in Glacier National Park.Much of the park was closed, including Going to the Sun Road, which I really wanted to show them, but Continue reading

Chief Mountain, Glacier National Park, Montana.

Chief Mountain, Glacier National Park, Montana.

Hey Folks

Well here we are. Not quite in the US. We drove most of the day, through Kananaskis Country, just west of Calgary, and on down south to the US border. Apparently there are no vacancies in the US this evening, as the border is closed, like it’s full. I guess that’s one solution to the illegal immigration issue, just close the borders. 7:30 in the afternoon, still light, and the border’s closed. Continue reading

Bull elk, fall colors, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.

Bull elk, fall colors, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.

Hey Folks

I didn’t get to post anything yesterday, because we didn’t get anywhere that had wi-fi. So today I’ll make up for that by uploading 2 posts, the first one I had intended to upload yesterday but didn’t get a chance. This one is fresh out of the box.

Now we’re in the Canmore area, just south of Banff. Today I took my parents up to Lake Louise, Moraine Lake, and also drove the Minnewanka Loop, a sweet drive. The weather wasn’t the best, but could’ve been worse. Moraine Lake is a treat in any weather, so that was fun. Lake Louise is, in my opinion, really hard to enjoy unless you have the time to walk up the trail and leave the pandemonium of the Lodge and crowds behind. Even my poor old dad noted the irony Continue reading