50th Anniversary of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Hey Folks,

December 6, 2010, marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR, in Alaska. To commemorate this, and as a tribute to an amazing place, I’ve put together this slide show; 50 photos to mark the 50 years. These are all images from the Refuge, over 19 million acres of wild lands. The refuge is a treasure, home to thousands of creatures and features; the caribou herds, the Brooks Mountains, the broad coastal plain, migratory birds and countless other gifts to this world. A beautiful landscape that warrants our respect, not our exploitation.

I selected the images to present a the diversity of features and creatures that call the Refuge home, and composed and recorded the music to accompany it. I hope you enjoy it.

If you have a nice, large computer screen and broadband connection, Open it full screen and click HD. You can watch and listen to this video in full HD resolution, at 720 x 1280. It’ll take a moment to load, but is (hopefully) well worth the time.

Happy Birthday ANWR – and cheers to many, many more.

Visit the wild.


Photos and music produced and copyrighted by Carl Donohue. All Rights Reserved.

4 thoughts on “50th Anniversary of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention 50th Anniversary of ANWR | 50 photos of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge | Skolai Images Stock Photo Blog -- Topsy.com

  2. Hundewanderer

    Very nice slide show. I was able to work on the North Slope last summer, what beautiful landscape. Different, yet beautiful. I love Alaska and could spend a lifetime there and not see it all. -HW

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