A black and white rendition of this young polar bear approaching the camera. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska.
Hey Folks,
Sometimes I wonder if anyone’s still here.
These days, when I do blog, it’s mostly over at Expeditions Alaska. I definitely recommend you check it out over there, if you’re interested, and click on the “Get It By Email” link to stay connected and updated with all the goings on.
I simply found keeping a couple blogs going not worth the time. Maybe I’ll post here from time to time when I get bored, LOL.
Anyway, here’s a polar bear photo from this past fall. We spent a couple weeks in the arctic, again, and had some great photography opportunities with the bears. Never ceases to amaze me how fascinating it is to observe and photograph these incredible creatures. I’ve never really found another animal quite like the polar bear.
I converted this photo to black and whit to see how ti might come out and was pleasantly pleased with the results. What do you think?